“I learnt this, at least, by my experiment: that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.”
– Henry David Thoreau
THE NOMAD COMMUNITY WEBSITE is a collection of links leading to information from blogs, websites and groups specifically for Nomads. The aim is to assist fulltime travelers with their journey and to encourage a long lasting community to develop. New links are added to this site on a regular basis…

travel basics
There is so much confusion and frustration when it comes to planning trips. This section will help with information such as Visas, Passports, Health Insurance, Travel Insurance, Packing, Luggage, Minimalism, Accommodation, Transport, Food...

Heard of an area but not sure if it is safe to go there? Wondering when the rainy season is in a certain place? Under this heading there is incredibly useful details about each country on every continent in this amazing world of ours...

All the facts that a nomad who works online could need, such as WiFi details, Website setup, equipment, online work opportunities, Tax, issues like loneliness, meetups... and the list goes on...

Right from Travelling with Kids, Large Family Travel, Deschooling, Unschooling and Homeschooling, there is a lot in this category to help with this enormous task of Worldschooling or Roadschooling with children, to make your adventure as smooth-running as possible.

fulltime rv travel
Types of RVs / Campers / Motorhomes / Trailers, Bus Conversions, Boondocking, Dry Camping, Parks, Workamping, Licensing, Maintenance... are just a few of the subheadings in this section.
Do you have information to share with the nomad community?
Have you set up a blog or website with information that can benefit the readers of this site? If so, then place your details in the box on the right and we will contact you about putting your information in the relevant place on Nomad Community.
There is no cost involved: your information must just be trustworthy, honest, factual and able to assist nomads in enhancing their adventure in this journey that they have chosen.