digital nomads

 Location independent, using technology to financially sustain modern nomadic lifestyle.

are you a digital nomad looking for answers, ideas, or support?

click on one of the icons / titles in the categories below, to take you to the solutions to any issue that you may have.

Types of Online Work:

Many different ways to make money online, as well as solutions to current issues with working online.

Your Own Website:

How to set up your own website and then maintain it; or how to change your current website to function more effectively.

TAX Help:

Oh my goodness! This is quite a topic?! Who do Digital Nomads pay TAX to? Find out here...

Banking Advice:

Different forms of banking options that are available for Digital Nomads...

WiFi Tips:

A necessity for working online but not an easy issue to deal with.

Equipment to Take With:

So many important items to get together to make life so much easier.

Support Groups:

Groups that have been set up to help with loneliness, personal questions, advice...

Digital Nomads' Websites:

A variety of websites, blogs and groups that have been designed by Digital Nomads to inform other Digital Nomads.

can't find what you're looking for:

Send us a message to let us know exactly what you are needing to know and we will guide you in the right direction, or we will look for the information for you and put it up on this website asap.